Baby Harem Pants-The High Thai-The High Thai-Yoga Pants-Harem Pants-Hippie Clothing-San Diego
Baby Harem Pants-The High Thai-The High Thai-Yoga Pants-Harem Pants-Hippie Clothing-San Diego
Baby Harem Pants-The High Thai-The High Thai-Yoga Pants-Harem Pants-Hippie Clothing-San Diego

Baby Harem Pants

These light weight elephant baby pants are the cutest things you've ever seen! They make a great gift for a new mom, or mom to be! Comfortable and easy to slip over a diaper, these pants are also made from the same pattern/fabric as the elephant pattern "One Piece Jumpers" and get even cuter when mom and baby have the same outfit.  They come in three sizes ranging from 6 months to a 4T (about 4 yrs. old) and in three colors.  


Small - Ages 6-12 months

Medium - Ages 12-24 months

Large - Ages 2-4yrs